You may create your own predicate checkers if the built-in ones are not enough to achieve a given task.
To do so, you should extend the repoze.what.predicates.Predicate class. For example, if your predicate is “The current month is the specified one”, your predicate checker may look like this:
from datetime import date
from repoze.what.predicates import Predicate
class is_month(Predicate):
message = 'The current month must be %(right_month)s and it is ' \
def __init__(self, right_month, **kwargs):
self.right_month = right_month
super(is_month, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def evaluate(self, environ, credentials):
# Let's calculate the current day on every evaluation because
# the application may be running for many days; hence it's not
# defined once in the constructor.
today =
if today.month != self.right_month:
# Raise an exception because the predicate is not met.
Then you can use your predicate this way:
# Grant access if the current month is March
p = is_month(3)
When you create a predicate, don’t try to guess/assume the context in which the predicate is evaluated when you write the predicate message because such a predicate may be used in a different context.
Authorization always depends on the context and repoze.what predicates are no exception. Access is controlled based on who the current user is, what groups she belongs to, what permissions she is granted, what her IP address is, what day is today and so on – and such data are always provided by the context.
The context is a wide term which doesn’t only include information about who makes the request, but also about what is requested and how the request is made (represented by the WSGI environment), when it is requested and possibly include external conditions.
With repoze.what predicates, you can control access based on any of the parts that make up the context (described above). However, this framework mostly helps you control access based on who the user is (her credentials), while gives you a hand to control access based on what is requested and how by passing the WSGI environ to the predicate checker (Predicate.parse_variables exists to help you with the what too). Writing predicates based on when it is requested and external conditions (if any) is completely up to you.
For example, if to allow users edit posts in a blog you don’t only want the predicate “the current user is granted the edit-posts permission” (who makes the request) to be met, but also “the current user is the author of the post in question” (what is requested), you may write the latter as:
from repoze.what.predicates import Predicate
# Say you use SQLAlchemy:
from yourcoolapplication.model import BlogPost, DBSession
class post_is_managed_by_author(Predicate):
message = 'Only %(author)s can manage post %(post_id)s'
def evaluate(self, environ, credentials):
# Extracting the post Id from the GET variables
vars = self.parse_variables(environ)
post_id = vars['get'].get('post_id')
# Loading the post object
post = DBSession.query(BlogPost).get(post_id)
# Checking if it's the author
if post.author_userid != credentials.get('repoze.what.userid'):
self.unmet(post_id=post_id, author=post.author_userid)
If you don’t use the Predicate.parse_variables method, you would have to import and use Paste‘s paste.request.parse_querystring() and/or paste.request.parse_formvars() functions whenever authorization depends on what is requested.
Finally, you would end up with the following compound predicates:
from repoze.what.predicates import All, has_permission
# Can the user edit the post?
p = All(has_permission('edit-post'), post_is_managed_by_author())
# Can the user delete the post?
p2 = All(has_permission('delete-posts'), post_is_managed_by_author())
If you’re using a dispatcher like Routes or Selector and the variables you need are not passed in the query string nor as POST variables, you will find them in the dictionary returned by Predicate.parse_variables, either in the positional_args or named_args items – check the wsgiorg.routing_args specification for more information.