Controlling access with predicates


This document explains how to restrict access within your application by using predicates, which you will be able to use once you have setup the required middleware, either through the quickstart or in a custom way.

repoze.what allows you to define access rules based on so-called “predicate checkers”:

A predicate is the condition that must be met for the subject to be able to access the requested source (e.g., “The current user is not anonymous”).
compound predicate
A predicate, or condition, may be made up of more predicates – those are called compound predicates (e.g., “The user is not anonymous and her IP address belongs to the company’s intranet”).
predicate checker
A class that checks whether a predicate is met. It must extend repoze.what.predicates.Predicate.

If a user is not logged in, or does not have the proper permissions, the application throws a 401 (HTTP Unauthorized) which is caught by the repoze.who middleware to display the login page allowing the user to login, and redirecting the user back to the proper page when they are done.

For example, if you have a predicate above (“The user is not anonymous”), then you can use the following built-in predicate checker:

from repoze.what.predicates import not_anonymous

p = not_anonymous(msg='Only logged in users can read this post')

Or if you have a predicate which is “The current user is root and/or somebody with the ‘manage’ permission”, then you may use the following built-in predicate checkers:

from repoze.what.predicates import Any, is_user, has_permission

p = Any(is_user('root'), has_permission('manage'),
        msg='Only administrators can remove blog posts')

As you may have noticed, predicates receive the msg keyword argument to use its value as the error message if the predicate is not met. It’s optional and if you don’t define it, the built-in predicates will use the default English message; you may take advantage of this funtionality to make such messages translatable.


Good predicate messages don’t explain what went wrong; instead, they describe the predicate in the current context (regardless of whether the condition is met or not!). This is because such messages may be used in places other than in a user-visible message (e.g., in the log file).

  • Really bad: “Please login to access this area”.
  • Bad: “You cannot delete an user account because you are not an administrator”.
  • OK: “You have to be an administrator to delete user accounts”.
  • Perfect: “Only administrators can delete user accounts”.

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Built-in predicate checkers

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